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FCA WY is excited to officially introduce Kevin Cates as the new Staff for Cheyenne and Laramie County FCA. Read more about it in this post!

Some Good News for FCA in Cheyenne and Laramie County!

by FCA Wyoming

We hope that the stories and updates here give insight into what God is doing in our square state. We want to engage, equip, and empower our WY athletes and coaches, along with our amazing FCA community of volunteers and supporters. 

That’s why… 

We would like to share with you in this post about what is happening for FCA in Cheyenne and Southeast Wyoming!

"I am so excited to have Kevin Cates coming on board with FCA in Cheyenne and the Southeast Corner of the state.  Kevin has been a blessing to athletes for many years serving as a Huddle Coach and working the FCA Black Hills State Sports Camp. What a blessing to have an old coach join the FCA Staff team!

As of now, Coach Kevin Cates has been hired as a Field Associate. A Field Associate is a part-time temporary position. Why temporary? Because Kevin is finishing out his last year of teaching and retiring at the end of this year. He will start full time with FCA as an Area Representative June 1st!"

 - Jim Hamilton, State Director


Keep reading to know more about Kevin's call to Serve Southeastern Wyoming.


“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” - Ephesians‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭ESV‬‬

From Kevin Cates:

"I first attended an FCA family camp in Estes Park in 1999 when our children were very young. It turned out to be the beginning of a spiritual transformation for myself and my family. Camp opened my eyes to new means of worship and true fellowship as well as the importance of a meaningful relationship with Christ.

As I have coached sports camps over the years, I have witnessed and practiced, thru sport sessions, coaches’ huddles, and chapel services, what is means to coach from a caring Christ like perspective, valuing relationships and long-term impact on my players over wins and losses.


From Sydney Gunn:

"FCA has played a major role in my spiritual growth and coaching style. I feel called to help coaches and athletes grow in their personal relationships with Christ, so they can positively and spiritually influence those around them.

 FCA reaches coaches and athletes where they are at.

God’s call became pretty clear the last few years at camp as I began having discussions about what I was going to do upon retirement from teaching and coaching. God has equipped me for this position thru a lifetime of experiences in teaching and coaching."


From Kevin Cates:

'"Multiple challenges to school ministry have recently arisen, especially within the last year, making ministry in our schools very difficult.

Please pray that God will grant FCA staff and volunteers the wisdom to face these challenges in new and creative ways. Also pray that God will raise up both adult and student leaders in all Laramie county schools willing to answer God’s call to fight the spiritual battles we face in our communities."

One of our goals is to find enough automatic monthly partners to fully fund my position. We also held in place of our Southeast Annual Banquet that was cancelled due to Covid-19 our first ever VirtuaI Banquet.  You are welcome to watch the video to learn more about financially helping FCA and an awesome message from our guest speaker Marcellus Casey: HERE. If you are interested in becoming one of our financial teammates, please feel free to donate on our website at anytime."

DONATE to Kevin

Thank you for reading!


FCA Wyoming

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