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Hello! Welcome to E3 in Action stories.

We hope that these stories give you insight into what God is doing in our square state. We want to engage, equip, and empower our WY athletes and coaches, along with connecting our amazing FCA community of volunteers and supporters. 

That’s why… 

We would like to share with you in this post:

  • Engage: First Ever Hockey Clinic in Sheridan
  • Equip: Worland Huddle with Record Numbers
  • Empower: An Athlete Leader leading Others to Christ

Feel free to keep reading!

FCA Hockey Clinic in Sheridan

This last December we had our first FCA Hockey Clinic in Sheridan. We wanted to engage with young athletes by hosting a two-day hockey clinic where athletes could get positive instruction on the ice and in life.

We had 30 athletes in ages ranging from 8 to 15 and 10 adults help lead the event!

Building Trust and Sharing Life. Our goal was to engage with student athletes and coaches by focusing on building relationships and introducing the Gospel. We also wanted the clinic to provide skilled instruction, with lots of fun and interesting games.

Even though we were met with the challenge of our Head Clinician becoming ill and cancelling - through God's provision, we secured a clinician from Buffalo and also recruited several athletes from the junior pro-team the Sheridan Hawks. Best of all, we also shared the Gospel!

All in all, this Hockey clinic was a fantastic way to reach out to youth in the community and give them an experience that will help them as athletes.

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So, what does engaging in relationships look like at these FCA Events?

FCA Staff Cameron shared how he saw God working through this event: "I noticed there was a young athlete who struggled with dry land training and needed some extra one on one.

However, as soon as he hit the ice everything changed. His attention and focus came together. It was very clear he had a natural ability. He just needed some encouragement and direction.

Over the next day and a half, I had the pleasure of working with him. What started out looking like an athlete, with a struggle to focus and commit, ended up teaching all of us to expect the unexpected and to be willing to reach athletes where they are!"

It's stories like this one that demonstrate the importance of engaging with Athletes and Coaches in our Wyoming communities. We want Athletes and Coaches to feel valued and seen. Check out more FCA WY events and ways to Engage through our Ministry HERE.

Worland Huddles

Despite Covid putting Huddles on hold last year, Worland Huddles have started up again, hitting the ground and running strong. Our Staff Brittany Miller and Volunteers use these meetings as an opportunity to get Student Athletes more into the Word and gain support in their Christian walk. Meetings average beteen 30 to even sometimes 60 Student Athletes.

How exactly does this equipping work in Worland Huddles?

For the Worland middle school huddle, their doors are open to anyone and everyone on a weekly basis. We have lunch together, fellowship, go through a devotional, have students share and always make time for FUN.

Christ Centered Training. For the Worland High School, their huddle meets on Wednesdays during lunch.  Our high school huddle has re-grouped this year with a brand-new leadership team. This week they brought in a guest speaker to share a devotional, Jesus Davila. He is a HS Math teacher and our assistant boys soccer coach.

Support to Grow. Our huddle at the HS has also focused on the FCA Creed and digging into the Bible this fall. They have really grown as leaders through discipleship thanks to a local pastor, Jess Rollema. They have an agenda of guest speakers for this new semester, with Coach Davila as the first speaker kicking off 2022. 

Equipping through our Huddle ministry like in Worland proves to be a huge way to postively influence Student Athletes in their Sport and schools. These disciples are on their way to becoming bold Leaders who will go out and make more Disciples.

We also can't wait to see the impact of our Black Hills Camp for those going from Worland this summer.

FCA Leader Emily Cable

Seeing our discipleship process go full circle, as FCA leader go out and make disciples encourage and inspires us all! This Empowering story from Emily Cable (FCA ministry leader and UWYO staff) really testifies to the Holy Spirit moving through lives of Athletes and Coaches in Wyoming!

"It was amazing to see the whole community for FCA come together for her...planting those seeds along the way."

Listen below to hear her whole experience leading another Athlete to Christ.

Empowering FCA Leaders to make disciples truly embodies the Vision and Mission of FCA in Wyoming. With every FCA Leader equipped and empowered, we believe that Athletes just like Emily can make a big difference in the hearts and lives of others.


FCA Wyoming

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