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Blizzards and Pandemic did not stop us from having Fields of Faith 2020. Read about the Student Athlete Leaders who led the way and the night event!

Follow up on FOF 2020
by FCA WY Media

We hope that the stories and updates here give insight into what God is doing in our square state. We want to engage, equip, and empower our WY athletes and coaches, along with our amazing FCA community of volunteers and supporters. 

In this post, we would like to share about our virtual Fields of Faith in 2020:

Recap of the Event

Follow up Devotional

More About Getting Involved

Keep reading to know more about Fields of Faith...

Recap of the Event

Fields of Faiths served a big part of our October Highlights as our second year and our first FOF virtual event. Yes, even early blizzards and on-going pandemic couldn't stop ministry in 2020! We were blessed to have this student led event through Zoom, with  host and Powder River Staff, Cameron G, and the panelists - Student Athlete Leaders and Guest Speaker Pastor Aaron. Thank you to everyone who stepped up and out in faith!

While we missed having FOF as a face to face event, like last year in Rock Springs, the virtual meeting was still a great opportunity to share the Gospel message and it allowed these Student Athlete Leaders to really lead and serve. The focus of FCA WY this year has really centered on equipping and empowering our FCA Student Athlete Leaders (SALT).

Just look at how Shaelea, from Sheridan, had some powerful words for peers: "Just seeing the impact in school and how these people are given hope for the first time, you are loved and you are seen and going through hard times in high school - that's what I am going to remember most."

This is the kind of leadership that gets us excited for the future of FCA WY and the potential impact with SALT!

And while this event pumped up our Leaders in their faith, it also was an opportunity to help others grow in their faith. Infact, 5 attendees responded with wanting to grow more in their faith after the event. 5 is awesome! Whether it is 5 or a 100 - we want EVERY Athlete and EVERY Coach in Wyoming to know Jesus and this is just plain awesome, TEAM.

Watch below a short clip, then click on the video below to watch the full video (45 minute plus). Watch it with your huddle if you missed it the first time. Share it with your pastor and church.

Follow up Devotional

Check out the follow up devotional for Fields of Faith in the link below. If you are a Student Athlete and want to commit to diving into God's Word each day, this plan will help you get started and stay on track. If you are a Huddle Leader, 21 Days with God may be a great on on one discipling opportunity, too.

More About Getting Involved

Fields of Faith is a student led event that happens every October. When we are face to face again, we would love to have our FCA Volunteers help host these events in the future.

If you are an Adult FCA Volunteer, please make sure you have filled out our MLA. This application makes you an official FCA Volunteer with approval from Staff. We want all Adult Volunteers (from committees to huddle ministries) to be MLA approved. This ensures student safety and alignment with FCA Values with those who lead and serve Athletes and Coaches through our FCA Ministry Environments.

Another way to get involved is to donate and pray.

FCA WY wants to reach the 35,000 Athletes and Coaches around the State - EVERY Coach and Athlete. To fulfill this Vision and Mission, we hire and train Staff to impact and influence sports communities and campuses in their areas. In return, our Staff will give MLA approved and Certified Leaders and Huddles the resources and tools in those FCA Ministry Environments, just like Fields of Faith. 

Will you consider giving a one-time or monthly financial gift to keep FCA WY going in your sports and State?

Give to FCA WY

Finally and most importantly, will you pray for our ministry? Covid-19 had caused a lot of challenges for our Team. It also brought about a lot of awesome changes. As we go into a new year, new semester, new sports season in 2021 - we would appreciate the prayers.

If you are praying for us, send us a text or email to let us know. We would love to hear from you.


FCA Wyoming

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